Saturday, December 20, 2014

Stuffed French Toast

Inspired by Mama Kat's Pretty Much World Famous Writer's Workshop, I'm going to share a story about a holiday-inspired recipe.

A bunch of years ago, when Christmas morning meant only parents at home, they figured that everyone should do their own thing then meet at their house for a late breakfast. Children could wake their parents and open gifts before dawn while the rest of us could saunter in around 10 to eat.

I wanted to bring something that would be filling and yummy. I searched for such a recipe and found "Stuffed French Toast" from  Cooking Light. It was a recipe makeover and it sounded yummy.  Assembled the night before, it would be perfect - all I had to do was bake it while I got ready and then bring it with me. Perfect.

It was a hit pretty much right out of the gate. It is very filling and even tastes good cold. Works with or without maple syrup.

So, that's how this became the dish I brought each year. My family tends to be pretty accepting of whatever anyone wants to make--everyone will try what you bring and while not every dish is a hit, we're a polite group. I always liked this dish, but didn't realize how much my brother Michael did, until I thought about changing it.

A couple of years ago, I mentioned to my mother that I'd found another breakfast casserole-type dish to make for Christmas. My mother is generally very open to things, but when she hesitated I was curious as to why. She likes the dish, but I didn't think she cared that much. Her response: "Let me check with Michael. He might not like that." OK mom...go for he'd notice. My mother soon passed along the message from Mike that I was not to substitute nor was I to change the dish in any way and don't think about it again.

That was that. I make the dish every year for Christmas breakfast and never again will I attempt to replace it. My family is important to me and when they are happy, so am I, even if I'm only making French toast once a year for them.  If you aren't sure if what you do matters - I say to you - just try to change something you think isn't a big deal and see for yourself how important it is to someone else.



  1. Love you too sis. Remember never change it.

  2. I once made a baked apple pancake dish that I thought was just okay, but everyone loves it, and my daughter makes sure I have all the ingredients to make it every year. Good thing it's easy!

    1. Michelle - isn't that the way? You don't think much of it, but when others love it ... you can't change it :)

  3. It's good to have a tradition like that. It makes everyone feel good.

    1. It sure is nice. And no matter what, this dish will always transport me right back to Christmas day.

  4. this is PRECIOUS!!!!! its interesting how family recipes, food and particular memories are engrained in kids, i just found out, look SO forward to special cookies my mom makes at Christmas. If she EVER decided to change them they would be horrified! Such a sweet story De!!! <3 Mike this is too cute!

    1. Isn't it funny how food is at the center of so many memories? I love how B & M look forward to your mom's cookies...make sure she never stops making them and never changes a thing! ♥

  5. Ha ha, isn't that the truth! :) And that sounds delicious; I am going to have to try it! :)
